Immigration Makes Philly Great

This weekend, Pope Francis addressed the world from Independence Hall, right here in Philadelphia. He reminded us that what makes America great — a commitment to liberty, justice, and freedom for all — are the fundamental civil rights that have driven people seeking a better life to America for generations.

Jim knows that we cannot slam the door on those who need us the most. And, as Pope Francis said, we should also never forget the “many gifts” immigrants bring to our nation.

Philadelphia’s reputation as the City of Brotherly Love carries with it a special responsibility. It’s why Jim will fight for Philadelphia’s status as a sanctuary city. And it’s why, as mayor, Jim will invest in those who choose to make Philadelphia their new home by expanding language access services, creating small business concierges tailored for recent immigrants, and increasing access to city services.

Add your name to stand with Jim and support a Philadelphia that welcomes immigrants to our great nation.